
  • Dr. Vladimir Miletic is the CEO and founder of Four Steps Coaching. He is a medical doctor, a psychotherapist, and a mindfulness teacher with over a decade of experience working with individuals and groups, helping them tap into their creative potential and change the course of their lives. Prior to starting his own company, Dr. Miletic worked in several telehealth companies as a supervisor or program designer. He is the Clinical Lead at HelpingMinds, Ltd. in addition to running Four Steps Coaching.

    You can click here and download Dr. Miletic’s detailed CV. You can also connect on Linkedin or ResearchGate. If you’re interested in his rather random musings, you can also check out his blog.

  • Four Steps Coaching, Inc is a life coaching and counseling company founded to help people achieve their potential using creative and original coaching methods. 

    Our four-step coaching method offers an original way of producing change that pulls from wide and diverse areas of human experience such as art, science and philosophy, to deliver a tailor-made approach for each individual client.

    At Four Steps Coaching, Inc one value stands above all others – absolute and utmost respect for our clients’ lived experiences as well as their priacy. Regardless of how you identify and what your ethnic, racial, religious or cultural background is, you will find a safe space in our coaching program. 

    Because we firmly believe that everyone should have access to technologies of healthy and sustainable personal growth, in addition to different forms of live coaching, we offer affordable courses where you can explore our creative methods to learn more about yourself and learn practical skills to live better and make better choices. 

  • Four Steps Coaching Method

    Life is messy and it stubbornly keeps resisting our wishes and desires. It’s almost as if it doesn’t care about what we want. What a shocker! More often than not, this unpleasant insight confuses us about the very goals we want to achieve. We feel lost, out of control and disoriented. We doubt out potentials. We forget who we are.

    But even in those states of confusion and suffering, we don’t cease to have wishes and desires, even if we sometimes may lose sight of them. To satisfy them and achieve our goals, we must have the penetrating clarity of vision, a strong intention, and a reliable method. To put it more concisely: clear destination, reliable map, and just enough baggage to get us through, but not so much to break our backs.

    That’s easier said than done, and it’s exactly where Four Steps Coaching comes into play.

    Our method shows us how to look at a person’s life as overlapping layers of experience. We isolate the specific layers that need work and then set up a four-step process to work on each of them.

    Step 1 – Define

    This entails more than just saying “I want a promotion at work” or “I want to stop procrastinating”. It means outlining the full scope and meaning of the issue. If we’re not clear about the problem, we can’t be precise about the solution.

    Step 2 – Contextualize

    Everything exists in a context. The context of our problems and goals is our life and, more importantly, our psyche. This is where the work of acceptance begins. The most important ingredient for change. When we accept a problem, that means we understand what role it plays in our life and what implications it has: what’s preferred, what isn’t.

    Once you’re done with the first two steps, it’s time to congratulate yourself for job well done. Those are the hard ones.

    Step 3 – Strategize

    Once we have a full grip on the problem, it’s time to plan and strategize. We carefully weigh the pros and the cons of different approaches to the problem you’re working on, and tailor-make a strategy that will work for you. Generic solutions have no place in our coaching method. You are unique and that’s why your solution has to be unique too.

    Step 4 – Experiment

    Once you have your plan in place, it’s time to try it out in real life. Theory is one thing, the practice of living another. The only way to assess if your strategy works is to try it out. After each experiment, we carefully evaluate the pros and cons and tweak it further, to make it more bullet proof and more efficient.

    We can never stop changing because that’s the nature of life itself.

    But we can take charge of the process and get the most out of it.

    All it takes is a good method.


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